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SHAGGERS Motorcycle Club

Welcome to The SHAGGERS M.C. Home Page

This Web site features Club runs and pictures of events. Also information about the Club and what we do.

Who we are?

The SHAGGERS M/C is a Clean and Sober Motorcycle Club. Founded by Jack Fair of Green Valley California in 1955. We are located in the Mojave Desert, So. California in a place called Antelope Valley. 70 miles North of L.A. and 70 miles East of the Pacific Ocean.
A Shagger when the club was founded was a courier on a motorcycle. Delivered blueprints and messages thoughout L.A. areas.
Now we carry a message on motorcycles ...the message of recovery "we insist on having fun where ever we go, cause where ever we go there we are!"  SEE YA DOWN THE ROAD

What do we do?

We do mostly anything we want ... or have time for.
We go on motorcycle runs whenever and where ever possible. We support most any fund raiser events for a good cause. Most of us but not all of us are affiliated with a 12 step program and even those who don't need to be at these meetings go for support.
It's a great Club and I am proud to be a member.

What do we ride?

Well, as long as you are up and runnin' and have wind in your face you can ride anything you like!
"And we like it that way"

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Why Clean and Sober?
Well if you have ever had or thought you had a problem with Alcohol or Drugs, try Clean and Sober if you really want a High. "Life is Worth Living"

More Pictures on Photo Page

